Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On the Radio!

We are so excited about the 4th grade musical titled “On the Radio.” All students are invited to audition for a speaking part in the play. Auditions will be September 14th-18th during music class. Here are the audition lines so you can practice!

Audition lines:

Mike: Well, Hello Everybody! It’s Marvelous Mike-- at the Mic! Welcome to the radio station that plays the hits while YOU sing along!

Jivin Judy: Jiv’in Judy here. We’ve got the oldies, the goodies, and all of the songs that kids have loved throughout the years! It’s music coming at you, right here on…

BOTH: K.Y.D.Z. The radio station for You and ME!

We will be scoring you (1-5) on a rubric based on the following:
1. Stage presence (Posture, standing tall, looking out at the crowd) 1-5
2. Enunciation: (Is it slow and clear? Can we understand you?1-5
3. Expression (Make it interesting to hear you speak)1-5
4. Memorization (Can you say it without the script?) 1-5

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