Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Are We Doing in 4th Grade?

We have had a great start to the new school year! In class, we have been very busy in all subjects. Here is an update about what we have been learning in 4th grade.

  • Reading: We are working on reading strategies, “tracking our thinking” when reading, summaries vs. retellings, as well as “actively reading.” DRA testing will begin soon.
  • Writing: After decorating our writing journals we will create a topics list of ideas that we are interested in and will begin creating pieces of writing using our feelings and past experiences. We also work on grammar using Mountain Language and have completed our bio poems.
  • Math: We have been working on place value, problem solving, math facts, number lines, odd/even numbers, comparing and ordering numbers and rounding.
  • Social Studies: We have been learning about our great state of Texas with a focus on regions, major cities and major rivers.
  • Science: Our focus has been the nature of science: safety rules, tools, process skills such as making observations, inferences and classifying, and learning the Scientific Method.

    Important Dates:
    September 15th: Fall Photos
    September 23rd: 4th Grade Curriculum Night (6-7)
    September 25th: 1st nine weeks progress reports go home

We are looking forward to a fun and exciting year of learning!

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